
The Real Reasons For This Conflict With Iran

If Iran and the US go to war, no one will win in this conflict. Not the US, not Iran, and definitely not Iraq, which has been placed right in the middle of this war between the US and Iran. People cheering for war and saying that “Trump will wipe Iran off the map” do not realize that it’s not about Iran or Trump. It’s more than that — it’s about power, and the battle for this power or control will not care about casualties of war.

Climate Catastrophe Will Bring War & Unprecedented Immigration — Already Is

Global warming and climate change get a lot of attention — well, not in the mainstream media, but among niche media outlets like CleanTechnica. However, whether in the mainstream media or in niche publications, some of the big challenges of a quickly changing climate are not often highlighted, and I’m quite confident that most people haven’t considered them at all.

Saudi Crown Prince Warns Of Threat To Global Oil Supply

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has told the BBC that if a war was to break out between Iran and Saudi Arabia, oil prices could rise up to “unimaginably high numbers.” He says this is possible if the world doesn’t try to deter Iran, and that more escalation will threaten the world’s interests. “Oil supplies will be disrupted and oil prices will jump to unimaginably high numbers that we haven’t seen in our lifetimes.”

Hurricane Florence Is Part Of What Al Gore Got Right In An Inconvenient Truth

As Hurricane Florence surges ashore in the Carolinas, it’s worth casting our minds back a dozen years to An Inconvenient Truth. Al Gore and his documentary crew attempted to mobilize the world around the imminent and pressing challenge of global warming then and since. His messages included the threat of increased severity and frequency of Atlantic hurricanes, something which is looking more and more prescient over the past few years of unusual storms.

This. Means. WAR.

It’s 5:43 am and I can’t sleep. The fire is mounting another assault. On August 7th, rumor has it that a (fossil fuel) off-road vehicle malfunction touched off the “Pilot” fire just north of our home. For a nerve-wracking week, the wind held the fire just two miles north of us until … [continued]

Syria & Climate Change: Unrest Is Mutual

For the first time, research has conclusively demonstrated the link between climate change and human conflict. Colin P. Kelley, now of the University of California, Santa Barbara, and formerly of Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, where the research was conducted, and three colleagues published their groundbreaking study in the online pre-print edition … [continued]