US renewable Energy

Expired Treasury Renewable Energy Subsidy Created as Many as 75,000 Green Jobs, $44 Billion in…

The Treasury 1603 grant program– a renewable energy subsidy–was a key strut that kept the US renewable energy growing and creating green jobs in the wake of the near collapse of the US financial system and recession of 2008-2009. This should go a long way towards putting paid to Republican rhetorical diatribe about federal support for clean energy development and job creation, though it almost certainly won’t.

Clean Energy Could Supply U.S. with 70% of Electricity by 2030, NOAA Director Says

A director of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was in Vancouver on Friday for the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s annual convention and mentioned in a talk there that clean, renewable energy (not even including hydroelectric) could cheaply supply 48 states of the continental U.S. with 70% … [continued]

US Geothermal Industry Looking for New Ways to Move Industry Ahead

Debating how the US geothermal industry can best take advantage of California’s superb renewable energy rules, and working for extending the geothermal federal tax credit, were the two hot topics at the fourth annual Geothermal Energy Association Finance Forum in San Francisco, California recently. “While analysts projected continued growth for the industry … [continued]