University Of Queensland

Electricity From Carbon Dioxide

When I first read about the work of the University of Queensland research team claiming to create electricity from CO2, my initial thought was that this was a cross between a fossil fuel funded beatup and a fairytale. But, digging deeper, and talking with Dr Zhuyuan Wang of UQ’s ARC … [continued]

"This lithium niobate chip is the size of a fingernail and is made on thin film lithium niobate and can be used in telecommunications, to make our internet faster." Credit: RMIT University

University Research Roundup Down Under

Even though university is closed for the summer in Australia and students are dividing their time between catching some rays to patch their tans and working to pay their fees, there is plenty of good news. Scientists and researchers are holding true to their calling and looking for solutions to … [continued]

Tesla Data Inform World-First Study

In a paper to be presented at the Australian Transport Research Forum by University of Queensland researchers Thara Philip, Dr Kai Li Lim, and Jake Whitehead, empirical data on real-world driving and charging patterns of 239 electric vehicles across Australia is analysed. As Tesla is the only car manufacturer that … [continued]

University of Queensland EV Racing

From an interview with UQR’s Team Principal, Brayden Klimmer. Students at the University of Queensland (UQ) have access to world class facilities and cutting-edge equipment. A project at UQ called University of Queensland Racing is just one of the ways students can gain industry experience before they graduate. Each year, … [continued]

Why The Fossil Fuel Industry Hates Wind Power

Originally published on RenewEconomy by Giles Parkinson. Wind energy has a significant impact on wholesale prices, particularly in those peak demand events when fossil fuel generators used to make most money. New research from the University of Queensland has added more understanding about why fossil fuel generators hate wind energy, and … [continued]