10,000 Nigerian Homes To Get Electricity From Solar Microgrids

70% of people living in sub-Saharan Africa have no access to a conventional electrical grid. Even if they did, the service is often interrupted by a variety of factors. Now, Community Energy Social Enterprises Limited, a Nigerian company, and Renewvia Energy Corporation, an American firm, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to provide solar power to 25 communities across Nigeria using local microgrids.

Geothermal Energy to Meet 30% of Kenya’s Electricity Needs by 2030

With climate change, food and energy security prominent and increasingly urgent concerns in East Africa, Kenya and the regional African Rift Geothermal Development Facility are working to accelerate development of the region’s vast geothermal energy resources, which are estimated to range between 7GW and 10GW in Kenya alone. Nineteen companies just submitted bids to Kenya’s Geothermal Development Co. to develop eight 100MW geothermal power plants in the country’s northwest. The government anticipates that geothermal power will supply 30% of the country’s 15,000MW in additional generation capacity over the next 20 years.