traffic safety

60 Years Of Life-Saving Seat Belts — Will Autonomy Eradicate Traffic Fatalities?

My day job is as a laboratory technician and systems developer at the Institute of Forensic Medicine at Aarhus University, Denmark, and as I had done so often before at lunch, I fell into an interesting conversation with the former head of the institute Markil Gregersen. He formally retired many years ago, but is still active working on publications in forensic sciences. This time we talked about seat belts and autonomous vehicles, and it prompted me to write this story.

Traffic Injuries 3 Times As Likely In Car Than Bus

Communities that use mass transit enjoy less tragedy.

The Transportation Research Board shares a new journal article: “Traveling by Bus Instead of Car on Urban Major Roads: Safety Benefits for Vehicle Occupants, Pedestrians and Cyclists.” It records the conclusions of researchers who studied traffic injuries along major corridors and found motorists on these routes had more than three times the injury rate of bus passengers. It was clear that buses were also safer for people sharing the road on foot or bike in Montreal. The research used police reports from 2001 to 2010 and found: Cars were responsible for 95% of pedestrian and 96% of cyclist injuries on these arteries.