Tokyo Electric Power Company

Consortium Created To Promote Zero-Emission Electric Vessels

Electric bikes, electric cars, electric vans, electric trucks — we keep electrifying bigger and bigger vehicles. Next on the plate are large ocean vessels and airplanes. Regarding the latter, we’ve covered oodles of startup and large corporate efforts to get electric aircraft off the ground. (Pun not initially intended.) Regarding electric ocean vessels, that appears to be a much less mature industry, but work is commencing.

TEPCO Concedes Failure of Fukushima Ice Wall

Less than a week ago, Naohiro Masuda, the Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Chief Decommissioning Officer, spoke about development of the “ice wall” around the four ruined  reactor units at the Fukushima I power station. In the company’s regular “prompt report,” the decommission head said that along with other measures, the $0.3 … [continued]

TEPCO Starts Fukushima Ice Wall Construction

Tokyo Electric Power Company started building something new and very cold at the ruined Fukushima nuclear power plant complex on Monday. It’s basically a big underground cooler meant to freeze the soil into a rectangular wall around TEPCO’s four nonfunctioning but still highly radioactive reactors. The frozen ground of the … [continued]

Fukushima unit 4 progress report: 10% complete on 1/14/2014.

Fukushima Fuel Transfer Reaches 10% Milestone

Fukushima nuclear power station as unit 4 operations commenced (screen shot from euronews broadcast, November 11, 2013.) TEPCO announced 10% completion of the spent fuel transfer this week. Tokyo Electric Power Company has reached a minor milestone in cleaning up the mess that started at its Fukushima nuclear power station … [continued]

CHAdeMO Adapter For Tesla Model S. Image Credit: Tesla Motors Website

Tesla To Offer CHAdeMO Rapid Charging Adapter For Model S

CHAdeMO is a fast-charging method for electric vehicles proposed by the organization CHAdeMO. The organization was formed by Tokyo Electric Power Company, Nissan, Mitsubishi, and Fuji Heavy Industries (the manufacturer of Subaru vehicles). Toyota eventually joined. The CHAdeMO concept can provide a whopping 62.5 kW of high-voltage DC current, which … [continued]