Tesla Model X production

Tesla Q3 Revenue, EPS, & Delivery Numbers: Estimates vs Reality

When companies report earnings, the financial news mentions how the company’s revenue and earnings per Share (EPS) performed against professional estimates. If a company beats both, the stock price will usually go higher. And if they miss both, the stock price will go the opposite way, lower. If either misses, financial analysts will ask management questions on the conference call to get a better idea of how the underlying business is doing.

Tesla Production Rising Toward 7,000 Vehicles A Week? — #CleanTechnica Report

There are various Tesla production “trackers” out there. None of them are perfect. Who knows what the heck is really going on anyway? And even when Elon Musk himself seems to know what’s going on, a new hiccup (or dagger from the devil ruling production hell) can end up changing the story. That said, recent indicators I’ve seen imply that Tesla is approaching a solid 7,000+ cars a week again.