
GE Wind Products GM Keith Longtin showcases the Brilliant 1.6-100's Predictive Power Analytics; Credit: A. Burger/Clean Technica

GE’s Brilliant Wind Turbine — Wind Power Cheaper Than Coal Or Natural Gas (Part 3)

This is Part 3 of a 3-part series on GE’s Brilliant 1.6-100 wind turbine. Check out Part 1 and Part 2 or the rest of our GE Brilliant Wind Turbine archives for more on the Brilliant 1.6-100 wind turbine. Big Data And The Industrial Internet Meet In The GE Brilliant 1.6-100 Impressively, … [continued]

GE Power & Water Wind Products GM Keith Longtin in front of the Brilliant 1.6-100's battery storage bank. Credit: A. Burger/Clean Technica

GE’s Brilliant Wind Turbine — Wind Power Cheaper Than Coal Or Natural Gas (Part 2)

This is Part 2 of a 3-part series on GE’s Brilliant 1.6-100 wind turbine. Read Part 1 here, and keep an eye on CleanTechnica or our GE Brilliant Wind Turbine archives for Part 3. Lower Cost Wind Energy + New Revenue-Generating Opportunities The GE Brilliant 1.6-100’s Ramp Control, Predictive Power Analytics, and short-term, grid-scale … [continued]

Opening the hatch and venturing out atop the GE Brilliant 1.6-100's machine head; Credit: A. Burger/Clean Technica

GE’s Brilliant Wind Turbine — Wind Power Cheaper Than Coal Or Natural Gas (Part 1)

Already competitive with electricity produced by coal and natural gas-fired power plants, GE is driving the cost of clean, green, renewable energy down further with its Brilliant line of wind turbines and power management systems. Incorporating Ramp Control, Predictive Power Analytics, and short-term, grid-scale battery storage in an integrated wind power systems platform, GE Power & Wind believes it’s on the right track when it comes to addressing one of the industry’s persisting criticisms: the intermittent nature of wind.

For Some Wind Turbines, Batteries Are Now Included!

We reported on GE’s “brilliant” wind turbine previously. The turbine integrates energy storage, and it also allows for a tremendous amount of data collection, prediction, and responsiveness. Below is a video of General Electric (GE) technicians discussing the company’s brilliant wind turbine in Tehachapi, California. So, why are we coming … [continued]

PG&E to Buy and Run a 246 MW Wind Farm

Utilities got a boost last year, when the new investment tax credits from the federal government were extended to allow public utilities to qualify for the full credit, to help utilities invest in renewable power. Since utilities must get more renewable power onto the grid (in all of the states … [continued]

Clean Energy Push Rivals Manhattan Project: WSJ

A once-in-a-generation shift in U.S. science is being spurred by the Obama administration’s push to solve the nation’s energy problems, in a massive federal program that rivals the Manhattan Project. [social_buttons] This summary comes, not from just another renewable energy blogger like myself, overwhelmed by the gushing hose of news … [continued]

California Gets Smart-Grid Funds to Bottle Wind

Pacific Gas & Electricity has won one of the Obama Administration’s 16 advanced grid awards totaling $620 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds, aimed at making more renewable energy available to the grid. PG&E’s $25 million award will fund initial work to see if California can store … [continued]