
More Oxygen With Go To-U Electric Car Charging Network

Exploring the bright website of the Go To-U network, I wandered into the website of one of its partners, e-space, and read: “More oxygen to the city!” The people and the businesses such as Go To-U and e-space that are working to clean the air in our cities are focused on something completely sensible that we too often overlook. E-space’s “More Oxygen to the City” campaign is timely and poignant. Adults need clean air. Children need clean air. Human life relies on clean air. — Making Charging Easy (Fully Charged Video)

Need a charge? Just swing the arm of a LEVIAMP down from the ceiling and plug in your electric car. It seems so easy and logical, yet took till now for the invention to come to fruition. With the desire to create a nice-looking charging station that tucks away well, Artur Sychov, recently invented the device and founded

Artur will be a presenter and panelist at our upcoming Cleantech Revolution Tour conference, but we also ran across a great “Fully Charged” video of what he has created that seemed worth a story itself.

How Can Cleantech Companies Fast-Track The Path To Success? Borrow From Biopharma’s Playbook.

After years of living in biopharma’s shadow, the cleantech sector is showing encouraging signs of life. New cleantech start-ups are popping up, and angel investors are again interested in investing in the promise of clean energy. According to the Propel(x) Survey of Angels, more than half reported that they are interested in the sector. That’s a far cry from the early 2000s, when cleantech was avoided by the investment community. Still, whether biopharma or cleantech, promising new ideas can take years to grow into viable offerings — not to mention large amounts of capital for conducting research, building infrastructure, and establishing distribution networks. That’s where cleantech could benefit by borrowing a few pages from the biopharma playbook.