
New Mark Z. Jacobson Study Draws A Roadmap To 100% Renewable Energy

Last August, Mark Jacobson, a renewable energy expert and senior fellow at the Precourt Institute for Energy at Stanford University, was the leader of a study that identified how 139 countries around the world could obtain 100% of their energy from renewable sources by 2050. But that study got some pushback from people who questioned its assumptions. The naysayers said the study relied too heavily on energy storage solutions such as adding turbines to existing hydroelectric dams or storing excess energy in water, ice, and underground rocks.

Renault: Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance Matches Professional Test Drivers

Check out an important next step in using autonomous driving to improve vehicle safety. This swift test run for Groupe Renault’s autonomous control system shows Renault’s autonomous control adeptly handling challenging driving scenarios. Renault reports that, as an industry first, its system can perform road obstacle avoidance as well as professional test drivers. Renault continues that the drivers served as the inspiration and the benchmark for this achievement at Renault Open Innovation Lab – Silicon Valley.

Wireless Electric Vehicle Charging Breakthrough Achieved

One of the biggest issues facing electric cars is range. While EVs might be ideal for inner city commuting or short distances, anything over 200 miles and even an advanced car like the forthcoming Tesla Model 3 is going to need a recharge. This of course takes time, so it makes long distances a challenge for electric vehicles to overcome. Now scientists from Stanford University have made a significant step towards getting round this problem – by successfully transferring electricity wirelessly to a moving object.

Stanford Tackles Wireless EV Charging

Some of you are going to read this and say, “Ho hum. Another useless story about some silly lab experiment that has no relevance to the real world.” And you could be right. There may be nothing here. Then again, figuring out how to keep an electric car fully charged wirelessly while driving could be a huge deal someday — even if that day is fairly far off.