solar technology

New Flexible Solar Cell on Plastic Efficiency Record

Solar records are broken left and right. We can’t cover them all, of course, but try to cover the big ones. Recently, researchers ar Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, set a pretty big one. They increased the solar cell efficiency record of flexible solar cells made of copper indium gallium (di)selenide (aka CIGS) from 17.6% to 18.7%, a pretty significant increase.

Dr. Nocera’s Invention May be the Future of Alternative Energy. But it’s Not a Leaf!

A lab at MIT, led by Dr. Daniel Nocera, have invented a new and novel form of storing energy that may prove to be an important milestone in the development of alternative energy. In fact, the obvious utility of the process has engendered a bit of excitement, but this excitement has also generated some misconceptions about the process that I would like to clear up, now that I have a more complete understanding of how it works.

Solar Antennas from MIT

Solar energy is an extremely popular technology in the US. But, still, only a tiny fraction of the population uses it. Some reasons for that that I’ve discussed in the past are high costs (which are nearly irrelevant for many people now due to generous government subsidies, a decade of … [continued]