solar EVs

Community Solar Garden #SolarChat Summary

This article was originally published on Solar Love. I recently participated in one of the Twitter #SolarChat events that @EcoOutfitters organizes. It was a real blast — fun and informative. The general focus was community solar gardens, but that was of course linked to many other solar issues. Numerous useful … [continued]

10 Top Solar Stories

I’ve got a problem. I want you to read every important cleantech story that I see, or at least the headline or summary. (Yep, I’m one of those guys — be careful if you go to see a movie with me that I love.) This root problem creates a couple … [continued]

Driving a Solar-Powered EV (Interview)

  Somebody recently passed along the Clean Energy Resource Teams article below and suggested reposting it. Sounded like a great idea to me, so here it is: by Joel Haskard The new generation of electric vehicles (EVs) have recently been rolling out here in Minnesota. We caught up with early adopter … [continued]