solar energy benefits

Staff from NREL and GRID Alternatives Colorado install rooftop solar panels during a volunteer event. Residential solar PV installations like these can benefit from NREL’s free SolarAPP+ automated permitting software. Photo by Joe DelNero, NREL.

How Much Money Can I Save With Solar Energy?

Lowering electricity bills is one of the main reasons why consumers may decide to install rooftop solar panels. Every household is different—from the size of the home, to the number of people living in it, to the electricity needs of those people, to where the buy their electricity—so calculating an … [continued]

New Study: U.S. Wind & Solar Generation Provided $249 Billion In Climate & Air Quality…

We are pleased to announce a new study published in the peer-reviewed journal Cell Reports Sustainability that focuses on the air quality and climate benefits of wind and solar energy. Though past studies have demonstrated that wind and solar generation provide substantial health and climate benefits, this research provides an … [continued]

Image created by Microsoft Copilot

Distributed Energy Resource Cybersecurity Framework Tool Shines in Solar Cybersecurity Assessment

As the world pushes for sustainable energy, the spotlight turns to distributed energy resources (DERs), with solar photovoltaic (PV) systems at the forefront. In the quest for decarbonization, a shining star emerges—the Distributed Energy Resource Cybersecurity Framework (DER-CF).Unveiled at the 2023 IEEE Power and Energy Society’s Innovative Smart Grid Technologies conference, a new paper by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) researchers sheds light on the importance of securing solar energy.

True Value of Solar Power

I wrote recently on the costs of wind power and how they compare to the costs of traditional forms of power like coal and nuclear when you take externalities and other subsidies into account. I was going to wait until I wrapped up our “comprehensive wind power page” to write on this topic for solar power, but a new report out from the Institute for Local Self Reliance pushed me into the topic a little early.