Solar (1)

SunScience a Game Changer in Delivering Solar Energy Benefits to Farmers, Off-Grid Communities & Disaster…

When you think of solar energy, you tend to think of decades-old, inefficient photovoltaic panels delivering electricity. You think of them in fixed positions on the ground in massive utility-scale arrays and on rooftops of businesses, government buildings, and homes. Think again, because SunScience has developed as the flagship of their product line a “hybrid” solar system called DG1 that integrates both concentrated and thermal solar power for a highly efficient energy footprint.

Small- AND Large-Scale Solar Needed

Well, I don’t think it will come as much surprise, but following up on a CleanTechnica post from last month on the merits of small-scale solar compared to large-scale solar, I thought I’d share parts of a new piece by Solar Energy Industries Association President & CEO Rhone Resch on why we need both (with a little commentary of my own)

New Flexible Solar Cell on Plastic Efficiency Record

Solar records are broken left and right. We can’t cover them all, of course, but try to cover the big ones. Recently, researchers ar Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, set a pretty big one. They increased the solar cell efficiency record of flexible solar cells made of copper indium gallium (di)selenide (aka CIGS) from 17.6% to 18.7%, a pretty significant increase.

GE Converts Parking Lot to Solar Charging Station for Electric Vehicles

Just the other day, Cleantechnica reported that GE foresees the cost of solar power falling below that of fossil fuels and nuclear energy within the next five years, and the tech giant has wasted no time positioning itself to ride that transition. Its latest move is a foray into solar power installations at parking lots, and true to form the company pulled out all the stops for this one.