short sellers

5 Points & 4 Charts To Check Andrew Left’s U-Turn From Tesla Bear To Tesla…

One of Wall Street’s most famous short sellers, Andrew Left of Citron Research, has been trying to make a mockery of Tesla for years. Five years ago Left crowed, “By the time this [Model 3] product is even approaching market, there will be multiple other 200-mile range plug-ins that have been out for years.” In turn, Left bet heavily against Tesla — sure that the electric automaker was doomed. Then, it all changed.

A Field Guide To Potential Securities Violations By Tesla’s Foes — In Depth

A great deal of attention has been recently placed on the conflict between Elon Musk and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding certain tweets by the CEO of Tesla. What is not clear to many, however, is the extraordinary number of potential securities violations that are happening regularly with regards to Tesla’s stock (NASDAQ: TSLA) that are the work of individuals opposing Tesla’s success. It’s fair to say that a war is presently underway between Tesla and its enemies.

Is The Possibility Of Perception Perversion The Real Reason Jim Chanos Is Short Tesla?

Tesla has reached its artificial milestone of producing 5,000 Model 3s per week, and media outlets (and buyers) continue to post rave reviews. The company’s three vehicles are the three top-selling EVs in the US market. Model S has been consistently outselling every competing large luxury sedan for a couple of years, and it appears as if Model 3 will similarly dominate the small sedan segment. At least two sets of auto industry experts (Munro & Associates and a group commissioned by German automakers) have performed teardowns of Model 3, and concluded that the new EV should be earning a healthy profit margin. Does this really sound like a company in trouble?

Tesla [TSLA] Now Really A Dramatically Shorted Stock (#CleanTechnica Exclusive)

One month ago, we got an email from IHS Markit. The market analysis firm had a totally unsurprising yet also shocking story to share — Tesla [TSLA] was a dramatically shorted stock. It’s unsurprising because this has been TSLA’s fate for years — it’s a favorite of stock shorters. However, it’s shocking because: 1) People and companies shorting TSLA have gotten absolutely burned in recent years and even months. 2) Model 3 production is ramping up — it’s certainly not at full speed and there have indeed been delays, but production is ramping up.