Shinzo Abe

PVEA Sees Japan At 100Gw PV Solar By 2030—And More

The Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association, a group of industry companies and stakeholders, recently issued a strategy document outlining how Japan solar could reach 100GW of installed PV generation capacity by 2030. “PV Outlook 2030–Aiming for a Sure Path to a Smart Country” updates “PV Outlook 2030,” last published by JPEA in … [continued]

Japan Focuses On Zero-Energy Buildings

In the wake of the Fukushima meltdowns, suspension of all nuclear plants (which once provided about 33% of the nation’s electricity and were slated to generate half), and subsequent head-butt from expensive fossil fuel replacement, energy resource-poor Japan is aggressively pushing forward with renewable power options. Formerly a prominent nuclear booster, … [continued]

Solar Power Booming In Japan

Originally published on Energy Post. By Rudolf ten Hoedt A first gold rush driven by generous subsidies led to an uncontrolled boom in solar power projects in Japan, of which, however, only a very small percentage actually got built. Now, however, the government has taken charge and serious developers are entering … [continued]