In 1971, The Nixon Administration Punted On A Revolutionary Climate Study
Climate advocates argued for a national research program as early as 1971 when Richard Nixon was in office. It never happened.
Climate advocates argued for a national research program as early as 1971 when Richard Nixon was in office. It never happened.
Let’s start off with a few things everyone can agree on (I think). Donald Trump frequently attacks investigators — at the FBI, in Robert Mueller’s special Department of Justice investigation team, and in the media.
It is my 3rd year of driving a zero-emissions, 100% electric car — a 2015 Nissan LEAF. The smooth experience of driving a LEAF since 2015 led me to reflect on the tragic turns of the present White House administration since that very hopeful evening when I leased the LEAF in 2015.
In what may be the most scathing indictment of a sitting president ever, the editorial board of USA Today has published a searing critique of Donald Trump. Does it signal an end to his reign of terror in America?
Originally published on Planetsave. Endorsing Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, two former EPA chiefs, both Republicans, are warning that Donald Trump’s energy policy “would set the world back decades.” William D. Ruckelshaus, head of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under Presidents Nixon and Reagan, and William K. Reilly, EPA … [continued]