
Resilient Systems, Q&A With Jordan Cox: Expect the Unexpected With Resilient Systems

A resilient system can withstand disruptions, mitigate potential losses, and recover rapidly. Planning for an unexpected event is a significant challenge, but one that the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL’s) researchers in the Resilient Systems Design and Engineering Group within the Energy Security and Resilience Center are working to address. … [continued]

Elon Musk Is Only Somewhat Right That Tesla’s Solar & Storage Can Scale To Rebuild…

There’s a lot more to replacing a grid than just solar and storage. Tesla can certainly help Puerto Rico rebuild, but it will be one of many participants in that process. It could easily make a lot of individual residences and office buildings more resilient with rooftop solar and PowerWalls. It could easily double or triple the amount of solar generation Puerto Rico has today. It could easily set up grid storage that would smooth the use of more renewables.

Blue Pillar Expands Aurora Energy Network Platform For Utilities & Energy Providers

Blue Pillar has released an update of its Aurora Energy Network of Things platform, designed to address the needs of energy service providers and utility grid operators. Behind-the-meter connectivity This next generation release brings utility grade enhancements that simplify behind-the-meter connectivity and control of distributed energy resources and generation assets. In conjunction with … [continued]

Over 400 Microgrid Projects Underway En Route to $40 Billion Market

Your first thought about microgrids might be that they’re only a tiny aspect of the overall energy system. But you’d be wrong – microgrids are an increasingly important factor for distributed generation, grid reliability, and the green economy.

Two new reports from Navigant Research reveal more than 400 microgrid projects are currently under development worldwide, and forecast the global microgrid market will pass $40 billion in annual revenue by 2020.