renewable energy prices

Renewables Now Cheapest, But How To Enable Faster Renewable Energy Growth?

Renewable energy is now the cheapest option, on average, for new electricity capacity around the world — developed countries like the US as well as developing countries. As I noted the other day, we need to keep channeling this message to the broader public, and especially decision-makers, but there are other things to do in order to increase renewable energy growth.

Awareness, Awareness, Awareness — Clean Energy Is Cheap, Cheap, Cheap (Time To Be Annoying)

What do you think of people who just keep talking about the same thing o v e r and o v e r and o v e r again? Annoying as hell, right? Politicians who repeat the same crap lines repeatedly. CEOs who you hear deliver the same fluff PR talking point for the 100th time. Annoying cleantech bloggers who keep telling you about … oh, wait, I’m not going to go there. 🙂

7 Solar, Wind, Energy Efficiency, Geothermal, & EV Charts & Graphs From Bloomberg New Energy…

About a week ago, Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) released the Sustainable Energy in America 2013 Factbook (a report commissioned by the Business Council for Sustainable Energy). At the press conference, Rhone Resch, President and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), Dave McCurdy, President and CEO of the American Gas Association, and Ethan Zindler, … [continued]