Army solar installation courtesy of USACE.

REN21 Global Status Report 2014: Solar PV = 1/3 Of New Renewable Power Capacity In…

The Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21 Century’s (REN21) recently released the 2014 edition of its Renewables Global Status Report. The report notes that one-third (32%) of new renewable power capacity installed in 2013 came via solar PV. What that means is that, for the first year ever, more solar … [continued]

REN21, UNEP Reports Highlight Challenges Amid Record Renewable Energy Growth

The drive to develop and deploy renewable energy worldwide has been no ‘blip on the radar screen,’ but rather a sustained effort, the cumulative magnitude and effects of which are laid out in two industry standard reference reports released yesterday: the United Nations Environment Programme’s “Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2012” and the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century’s (REN21) 2012 Renewables Global Status Report.