US Community Solar Guide Released By SEIA & CCSA

Community solar continues to grow, as solar becomes more and more popular and solar prices continue dropping. Recognizing this upsurge in community solar, the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), along with the Coalition for Community Solar Access (CCSA) recently released The Residential Consumer Guide to Community Solar. This collaborative effort gives customers … [continued]

REC Solar Switching Over All Production Capacity To Half-Cut PERC Cell Technology

REC Solar is switching all of its manufacturing/production capacity at its manufacturing plant in Tuas, Singapore, over to its half-cut PERC cell technology, according to recent reports. The company’s TwinPeak series of solar photovoltaic (PV) modules features the aforementioned technology. The production conversion will run around SG$200 million (~$182 million), … [continued]

What Do The Proposed Amendments To The Electricity Act Mean For India’s Solar Market?

By Akhilesh Magal, Head Advisor – Solar Energy for the Gujarat Energy and Research Management Institute India’s solar market has largely been driven by grid-connected utility scale projects that are supported through government supported ‘Feed-in-Tariffs’ (FIT). Projects outside government support have been limited to rooftop installations for captive power consumption or land … [continued]

7 Sustainability Trends In India For 2014

Originally published on Sustainability Outlook. As we all bid adieu to a year in which turbulence was the only stable (and ‘sustainable’) phenomenon, we foresee the following 7 key sustainability headlines holding center stage in the year ahead: 1) Water efficiency takes prominence:  With direct parallels to the Bureau of … [continued]