
Could California Save 30% or More on Solar Power?

The Golden State has covered over 50,000 roofs with solar PV in the past decade, but could it also save 30% or more on its current solar costs? Renewable energy guru Paul Gipe wrote up a study last month that found that Californians pay much more per kilowatt-hour of solar power than Germans do (accounting for the difference in the solar resource). The following chart outlines the various ways Californians pay for solar, compared to the Germans (averaged over 20 years, per kilowatt-hour – kWh – produced).

Going Solar Without Getting Burned

[social_buttons] Editor’s Note: This is the first post by Jessica Jones, Solar Consultant with Vista Solar Inc. Three Key Questions for Your Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Installer In the world of solar, there is a perfect storm developing. The current levels of government incentives, ever-rising electricity rates and declining equipment costs, … [continued]