New Electric Vehicle Magnet Attracts GM With Rare Earth-Free Formula
A new permanent magnet for electric vehicles will help free the US automotive supply chain from expensive rare earths and overseas sources.
A new permanent magnet for electric vehicles will help free the US automotive supply chain from expensive rare earths and overseas sources.
One of the common criticisms leveled against widespread EV adoption is the use of the rare-Earth minerals used in batteries, solar cells, and processors (“chips” as they’re commonly referred to). Those materials are often hard to mine, and expensive, leading to some — let’s go with “questionable” means of acquiring … [continued]
Bentley has just announced the launch of a 3-year study whose aim is the production of a fully integrated, free from rare-earth magnet e-axle powertrain that will support new electric vehicle architectures as well as the electrification of its current “legacy” platforms.
The United States may run into major supply disruptions of rare earth metals, metals which are used in many clean tech products (i.e. wind turbines, electric vehicles, and solar cells), unless it finds a way to diversify where it gets these minerals from, according to a report being released today … [continued]