
What If WE Owned The Tracks?

When it comes to energy efficient transportation in America, no transportation option is better than the railroads. They have been the freight transportation backbone of America for nearly 200 years, which is why all the recent news about train derailments and union strikes deserves our attention. While more profitable then … [continued]

GDP, energy consumption, 
and CO2 emissions in China (recasturumqi.azurewebsites.net)

China’s 21st Century Dilemma: Development and Carbon Emissions

“Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.” That’s the paradox gripping China, the world’s most populous nation. A new seven-year study by researchers from the University of East Anglia relates China’s carbon dioxide emissions to the country’s accelerating economic growth. The results, published today in Nature Climate Change, illustrate … [continued]