Pope Francis

A Complete Field Guide to Climate Change: UNPRECEDENTED

In this critical year for climate, the United States has just obtained a superior information and action tool in UNPRECEDENTED: Can Civilization Survive the CO2 Crisis? David Ray Griffin spent almost three years researching and compiling this excellent summary of climate disruption and what people can do about it. Read UNPRECEDENTED, and you will discover the … [continued]

Sustainable Brands 2014 | Day One

We’re covering the San Diego leg of the 2014 Sustainable Brands conference, what is growing into the largest and most important sustainability conference in the world. They now have events in Istanbul, Rio, Buenos Aires, Boston, Kuala Lumpur, and London. This conference draws some of the largest brands in the world to discuss the latest innovations in sustainability as it pertains to their companies.

Desmond Tutu Calls For Disinvestment In Fossil Fuel Industry

Originally published on Eden Keeper. Desmond Tutu, a South African Anglican bishop and climate change activist, has called for an anti-apartheid-style boycott and disinvestment campaign against the fossil fuel industry for driving global warming. “During the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa, using boycotts, divestment and sanctions, and supported by our friends overseas, we were … [continued]