Peru renewable energy

ContourGlobal to Develop Peru’s First Large-Scale Wind Farms

At a nameplate capacity of 114 MW, the two wind farms — in Cupisnique and Talara — will be among the largest in South America outside of Brazil. Peru and neighboring Andean nations are really just beginning to seriously examine and develop their relatively rich base of wind and solar energy resources, which offer a sustainable development path that minimizes depletion of natural capital. […]

Peru, South American Nations Turn to Reverse Auctions to Accelerate Renewable Energy Development

Peru and other governments in South America, including Brazil and Uruguay’s, are making headway as they strive to develop renewable energy resources that reduce CO2 and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and environmental degradation while at the same time boosting economic activity and jobs growth. In doing so, they’re turning to reverse auctions, as opposed to Feed-in Tariffs (FiTs) or other incentives, as a market-based mechanism to foster growth of renewable energy capacity. […]