Researchers: Passive Solar Energy Could Provide ⅓ Of Home Heating Needs
Tapping into passive solar energy could be a step to carbon-free heating
Tapping into passive solar energy could be a step to carbon-free heating
Further building on our discussions of energy efficient building design — via the subjects of basic passive solar home design elements, the Passivhaus standard, R-value terminology, and earth-sheltered house design — it seems worth highlighting the “PlusEnergy” building design approach.
Because of all the media attention about solar power, most people think of photovoltaic (PV) solar panels. People in or on the fringe of the clean energy business might know about the Chinese’ so called “dumping” of low cost PV panels onto the U. S. market; about how schools … [continued]
Interested in re-roofing your house? Or building a home and wondering what roofing system to go with? Check this out… Swedish company SolTech Energy has developed some cool-looking, award-winning solar glass roofing tiles. (Note: these are not active solar tiles but a passive solar roofing option.) The glass tiles can … [continued]