Pasquale Romano

Current EV Charging Equipment Market & Innovation Trends, Part 2

The significant, constant usage of electricity from a single source like a plug-in vehicle has opened up a new market for grid-scale demand management. Grid-scale demand response bundles charging plug-in vehicles together into a single demand unit when they are using smart chargers connected to a utility. The utility can then have the charging speed throttled up and down to balance the electricity load on the grid.

EV Tax Credit Repeal Hurts American Innovation

With the House of Representatives having passed its tax reform plans and the Senate having released its version, the uncertainty around the basic existence of the federal EV tax credit, as evidenced by the difference between the two proposals, will be disruptive to the industry. It’s this uncertainty that leads everyone to a fundamental question: If the government chooses to end EV tax credits, will that affect the EV market overall? The answer is yes.

ChargePoint Growing In USA & Europe

ChargePoint, one of the largest electric vehicle charging networks in the world, has made two significant moves this past week that will see its network grow even larger. In the US, the company is taking over management of the GE electric vehicle charging network, which consists of 1,800 commercial and 8,000 residential chargers. ChargePoint will maintain GE’s existing software and commercial charging spots, helping to make the change to ChargePoint as easy and seamless as possible for existing clients and drivers.

California Jumps Into The Future With SB 350

Originally published on EV Obsession. Take a break from the “interesting” presidential political campaigns for some wonderful news. In the not always “United” States, some states are challenging national imperatives to cut the spewing of carbon from the electricity sector. However, one continually trendsetting state, California, is making another progressive leadership move (nationally and … [continued]