Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

U.S. DOE Reports Chart Path for East Coast Offshore Wind to Support a Reliable, Affordable…

Study Finds Interregional Offshore Transmission Network Would Support Long-Term Growth of Atlantic Offshore Wind, Action Plan Identifies Immediate Steps and Extended Efforts WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) yesterday released findings from the Atlantic Offshore Wind Transmission Study, a two-year study evaluating transmission options to support offshore … [continued]

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory deployed a new flux sensor (instrument furthest to the right) in collaboration with University at Albany on a Department of Energy lidar buoy as part of the Wind Forecast Improvement Project 3. (Photo by Matt Brooking | University at Albany)

Novel Field Campaign Sets Sail to Improve Offshore Wind Forecasts

The nation is closer to its offshore wind energy goals than ever before, but has some rough waters yet to navigate. To further reduce risk and costs associated with offshore wind development—and help assure future wind farms operate efficiently and reliably—better wind forecasting is needed. Weather patterns are difficult to … [continued]

Does PNNL Deliver Energy Savings Through Rules & Codes for Buildings? Let Us Count the…

Here’s a sampling of recent buildings-related rules, codes, and standards that will substantially reduce energy use and carbon emissions Energy efficiency rules and requirements for buildings may not make a splash on the nightly news, but they have gained favor in the Biden Administration and are helping slash energy consumption, … [continued]

Researchers from PNNL, five other national laboratories, and DOE worked with stakeholders in Puerto Rico to outline a path toward building a fully renewable power grid by 2050. (Photo by Andrea Starr)

More Rapid Renewable Energy & Energy Storage Deployment Needed for a Resilient Power Grid in…

Results of the PR100 study outline near- and short-term strategies for Puerto Rico to achieve a renewable power grid by 2050 SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico—With lots of solar and wind power, energy storage, and advanced extreme weather impact modeling, Puerto Rico could achieve a 100% renewable power grid by 2050. … [continued]

Photo by Andrea Starr | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

The ShAPE of Buildings to Come: Scrap Aluminum Transforms Recycling Life Cycle

Energy savings approaching 90 percent expected from employing entirely post-consumer aluminum to make high-grade building components The circular economy just closed the loop on scrap aluminum, thanks to a new patent-pending technology developed at the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. That twisted aluminum mesh, those banged up bicycle … [continued]

A gel-based system allows researchers to separate metal ions from a mixture that models battery composition. (Illustration by Mike Perkins | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

Separating Critical Materials from Dissolved Batteries

A straightforward method can separate critical metal ions from an unconventional source What happens when a battery dies? Current rechargeable batteries contain a mixture of metals, some of which are becoming rarer by the day. Keeping these critical materials available for use requires finding new and innovative ways to recycle … [continued]

PNNL and Microsoft will leverage AI, cloud, and high-performance computing to accelerate scientific discovery in a new multi-year collaboration. (Illustration by Cortland Johnson | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

PNNL Kicks Off Multi-Year Energy Storage, Scientific Discovery Collaboration with Microsoft

The imperative to move faster from research to application of energy solutions gets a boost with AI trained to dramatically accelerate scientific discovery RICHLAND, Washington — The urgent need to meet global clean energy goals has world leaders searching for faster solutions. To meet that call, the Department of Energy’s … [continued]