CleanTech Talk with Ross Gerber — Tesla Climate Leadership, Tweeting, $420, & The Oil Crisis…

For our hot new Cleantech Talk podcast interview series, I recently sat down with Ross Gerber, cofounder, president, and CEO of Gerber Kawasaki Wealth and Investment Management, to discuss cleantech innovation, Tesla, climate change, insurance companies, and more. The conversation was approximately one hour long, so to cut it down into more manageable portions, we’ve split it up into a couple of episodes. Listen on your favorite podcast platform or via the embedded player below.

Condoleezza Rice Discusses Peace In The Middle East At Stanford Global Energy Forum

One of the speakers was Saudia Arabia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Abdallah Al-Mouallimi. He began with the official statement (as of that day, November 1st, 2018) about the massacre of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Then he and Secretary Condoleezza Rice got down to the business of how Saudi Arabia plans to remain a viable country as demand for oil shrinks. As oil represents 46% of its GDP and 87% of its exports, this is a massive challenge to its (rather imbalanced) economy. Rice asked him a host of touchy questions with the utmost diplomacy, as expected from a former Secretary of State.

Price Of Oil Headed Back Up, Gasoline Hikes Will Follow

In the world of oil, Saudi Arabia is the tail that wags the dog. For several years, it has stubbornly refused to cut oil production in the face of falling oil prices in order to maintain its dominant share of the oil market. It is also part of a strategy to drive tar sands and fracking producers out of business. Those non-traditional sources of oil are far more costly than pumping from reserves under the Arabian desert.