Department of Energy Puts $35 Million into Hydrokinetic Technology
Underwater renewable energy systems are ready for their place in the sun, thanks to $35 million in grants for hydrokinetic energy R&D from the US Department of Energy.
Underwater renewable energy systems are ready for their place in the sun, thanks to $35 million in grants for hydrokinetic energy R&D from the US Department of Energy.
Located on the Gulf of Alaska, the 750 kW Yakutat Wave Energy Project is set to make life easier for locales who have so far had to rely on diesel prices as high as $8 per gallon, thanks to the 1,000 mile journey the fuel has to make by road to … [continued]
As the US offshore wind power industry slowly (very slowly) cranks up to speed, let’s not forget that US coastal waters also represent a huge, as-yet-untapped energy resource in the form of waves, tides and currents. The Department of Energy estimates the total could come up to 1400 terawatt hours … [continued]
The US Department of Energy and Ocean Renewable Power Company announced the launch of the country’s first commercial, grid-tied tidal power project on Tuesday, the TidGen Cobscook Bay project, in Eastport, Maine. Located on Cobscook Bay, an inlet of the Bay of Fundy, the project has created more than 100 local and … [continued]