Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

Shajjad Chowdhury’s capacitor package is designed to take up less space and improve operational lifetime. Credit: Carlos Jones/ORNL, U.S. Dept. of Energy

Novel Capacitor to Shrink Size & Reduce Cost of Electric Drives

As a researcher in power electronics, Shajjad Chowdhury is focused on exceeding capacity. In a lab space at the Department of Energy’s National Transportation Research Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, he’s developing a novel capacitor and inverter component that will shrink the size and reduce the cost of electric … [continued]

Credit: Genevieve Martin/ORNL

New Supercomputer for Climate Science

The newest Gaea system provides increased performance for more advanced climate modeling and simulation Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, is launching a new supercomputer dedicated to climate science research. The new system is the fifth supercomputer to be installed and run by … [continued]

Research Team Supports Isostatic Pressing For Solid-State Battery Manufacturing

Following months of promising test results, battery researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory are recommending that the solid-state battery industry focus on a technique known as isostatic pressing as it looks to commercialize next-generation batteries. Commercial-scale production of solid-state batteries is a goal for electric vehicle … [continued]

Image credit: ORNL, U.S. Dept. of Energy

Adding Up The Benefits Of Geothermal

ORNL researchers have developed a free online tool for homeowners, equipment manufacturers, and installers to calculate the savings and energy efficiency of ground source heat pump systems compared to traditional heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. A tool developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers gives building owners and equipment … [continued]

Evaluating Buildings in Real Time

Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed a tool that provides accurate measurements and positioning directions while installing energy-efficient panels over existing building exteriors. This method will decrease installation time and cost by more than 25%. One approach to upgrade aging buildings is to increase thermal performance and lower … [continued]