NOX emissions

Reducing NOx emissions will help with smog. Photo by Call Me Fred on Unsplash.

Bay Area Sets NOx Emissions Standards for Gas Water Heaters & Furnaces, Effectively Ending Sales…

Big news for clean air last week. The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) adopted amendments requiring the elimination of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from new water heaters by 2027 and new furnaces by 2029. We’ve been hearing about the indoor pollution from gas stoves this year. Gas water … [continued]

Amsterdam May Ban All Fossil Vehicles By 2030 — Legacy Auto Lobby Responds With FUD

The Alderwoman of Amsterdam, Sharon Dijksma, is advancing the city’s Clean Air Action Plan towards a ban of all fossil burning vehicles by 2030. Current transport-related air pollution in the city is the equivalent of smoking 6 cigarettes per day, reducing average life expectancy by 3 months. The auto industry lobby is up in arms, calling the plan “bizzare, beyond all reality.” The city council will debate the measures from the end of May, with a final decision by the summer.

Coal Plant + New Fuel Cell System = 90% Reduction in CO2 Emissions?

If successful, FuelCell Energy’s system will separate and capture 90% or more of the CO2 emitted from a coal-fired power plant’s flue stream. The CO2, along with hydrogen ‘reformed’ from natural gas, will be used to drive a fuel cell that produces clean electricity that will add to the plant’s energy output. Nitrogen oxides (NOX), another potent greenhouse gas, will also be captured, but destroyed in the process. Emissions from the fuel cell system: water.