Nitrogen oxides

With 10 Years Of “Clean Trucks Program,” Los Angeles & Long Beach Ports Report Cleaner…

Los Angeles and Long Beach, California, together have the second busiest port in the US. Both harbors are next to cement factories and petroleum refineries. Trucks coming in and out of the harbor on the always congested 710 highway belch and spew dirty diesel particulates in the neighboring community. In fact, kindergartens and schools conveniently located next to the highway are the hardest hit. Child asthma has skyrocketed over the decades, to the point where these children will never have fully developed lungs.

The Pros & Cons Of Biofuels

The burning of any fuel will produce CO2, but also possibly pollution in the form of particulates, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, and carbon monoxide, although the extent of these depends on the nature of the particular fuel and the efficiency with which the fuel is burnt.

68,000 Premature European Deaths A Year From Diesel Vehicle Pollution

Volkswagen board members must be wondering how to put away this never-ending diesel scandal, now in its third year. Despite trying its best to avoid the consequences, the auto giant was once again caught a few months back with emission tricks. Adding insult to injury, a German political scandal is brewing from citizens demanding politicians step in … and many politicians not wanting to step in.

Existing, emerging, and potential carbon pricing plans (World Bank, updated)

Chile Carbon Tax Coming Up This Week

This week, the government of Chile holds a final vote on its first carbon taxation scheme, also the first in South America, a measure to make fossil fuel generators pay for emitting greenhouse gases. The Chile carbon tax is part of a larger program of wide-ranging tax revisions introduced by the country’s … [continued]