How to 3D-Print One of the Strongest Stainless Steels
High-energy X-rays lit a path forward
High-energy X-rays lit a path forward
An impressive new means of producing graphene has been created by researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder, Colorado — one that the researchers think will help to bring the commercial production of graphene one step closer to reality. The new production method utilizes a … [continued]
Net zero energy = awesome. And homes or buildings that use no energy from other locations (net, not gross) are certainly a growing trend. Check out this post below from the National Institute of Standards and Technology regarding a new report on this subject. Chances are you know how many miles your car … [continued]
They’ll call anything a laboratory these days. The U.S. Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) last week unveiled its new “house,” which will serve as a testbed to demonstrated that a stereotypical suburban home can generate as much energy as it needs to run in a year […]
A versatile new measurement system has been devised that can accurately and quickly measure the electric power output of solar energy devices. These abilities are very useful to the development and manufacture of next-generation solar energy cells. Researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created the … [continued]
One of the biggest obstacles to large-scale use of hydrogen-powered fuel cells is in how to store the hydrogen, a task which currently requires high pressure,… which, itself, is energy intensive. Scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory are aiming to solve this problem by creating new materials in which to store the hydrogen.