
The Navdy Intelligent Heads-Up Display Makes In-Car Productivity Safe, For The First Time (CleanTechnica Review)

We all know texting while driving is terrible and unsafe, and yet we all continue to do it. Reading email, changing the internet radio station, and blurting out the most exciting 140 characters from our day aren’t texting, so “they must be safe” — and so we continue. But yeah, it’s bad and we have a problem. This could be an intervention of sorts (do you need one?) because what all of these activities boil down to are small, terribly trivial activities that have the potential to be life threatening for us and those around us.

EVs Translated To Song (Sunday Fun)

Everyone will have a different take — rather, taste — about the following list. Certainly, I never seem to have a mainstream perspective on much of anything — except perhaps with avant-garde, holistic types. I started a collection of songs that compare to the drive and experience of the EVs I love. Continue the idea … [continued]

Solar Power Music

Here’s a short guest blog from Turtuga Blanku (who we’ve covered before… twice) regarding his new release. Enjoy! Music is a nice and effective way to spread a message. In my case, I’d like to show that renewable energy can power any kind of business, including the music business. My lyrics are … [continued]