2017 Western Canada Cleantech Innovation Forum
Western Canada is looking to gain further traction as a regional cleantech leader, despite eastern Canadian provinces (Ontario & Quebec) at the top of the leaderboard.
Western Canada is looking to gain further traction as a regional cleantech leader, despite eastern Canadian provinces (Ontario & Quebec) at the top of the leaderboard.
The government of Canada is now planning the imposition of pollution caps on the provinces that haven’t yet agreed to support a national carbon price, according to recent reports.
In recent years, we have seen recent studies all overwhelmingly point out that if there is no dramatic change in reducing carbon emissions, there will be consequences for our economy.
The first-ever pan-American action statement on climate change came out last Thursday, July 9, as the Climate Change Summit of the Americas in Toronto drew to a close. A recent poll shows that 84% of Canadians believe that prosperous countries like their own have an obligation to show international leadership in reducing … [continued]
Canada is #5 for renewable investment, but most of that money is going to foreign companies. The Harper Government has done little to foster development.
Originally published on ClimateProgress. By Kiley Kroh A natural gas pipeline operated by TransCanada Corp. exploded and caught fire in the Canadian province of Manitoba on Saturday, shutting off gas supplies for as many as 4,000 residents in sub-zero temperatures. “We could see these massive 200- to 300-meter high flames … [continued]
Below is an interesting infographic I found from Talentegg.ca about the green jobs market in Canada. Here are some of the most interesting findings (in traditional, bullet-point format: 44% of Canadian environmental employers in the next two years plan to hire in order to boost their workforce or replace … [continued]
Manitoba is set to create a New Energy Jobs Fund, to compliment Manitoba’s clean cheap energy from Manitoba Hydro, Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger said in a press release recently. “Manitoba is a leader in renewable energy, with major investments in hydro, wind, geothermal heating and bio-energy,” Selinger said. The … [continued]
Manitoba’s biomass industry got a shot in the arm this week when the Manitoba government announced plans to boost the industry with the new Manitoba Biomass Energy Support Program (MBESP) by providing up to C$400,000 in grants. The program aims to encourage coal users within the province of Manitoba to … [continued]
Emissions from power plants in states served by the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative have fallen to their lowest levels since the CO2 auction program launched in 2009, according to a new report from Environment Northeast.