
Clean Car News (10 Stories)

10 more top clean car stories from the past week (other than our 13 or so clean car and transportation stories): 1. GM has ceased production of its Chevy Volt for 5 weeks. And while some are eager to call the Chevy Volt dead, Chris DeMorro of sister site Gas2 … [continued]

7 Cleantech Consumer Products

I scroll through thousands of articles on dozens of sites so that you don’t have to 😀 1. Solar-Powered, Energy-Efficient Homes & the Nissan LEAF In one of the latest solar-EV team-ups, City Ventures and Nissan offer a green triple combo. From the news release: How would you like never … [continued]

WAVE 2011: EV Road Trip Race!

All sorts of races and challenges for electric cars have been successfully completed this year, and the WAVE 2011 is no exception. The WAVE is a road trip through Europe, stopping in cities such as Paris, Vienna, and Prague. Each leg of the trip is 75 miles, with no more than 250 miles allowed per car per day – still much farther than most people drive!