20 Reasons Why 2019 Gave Us Climate Hope
Why did this year bring us climate hope? Advances in solutions and the truly unprecedented momentum the climate movement gained in just one year.
Why did this year bring us climate hope? Advances in solutions and the truly unprecedented momentum the climate movement gained in just one year.
This week, Greta Thunberg, the well known empowered climate activist from Northern Europe, continued her net-zero-emissions journey by returning home. Greta is working to educate the world. She spreads hope and addresses concerns. Avoiding the use of fossil fuels, she once again took to the seas rather than flying in order to reach Europe with her father.
While the rest of the country marched for the climate in general, Los Angeles county marched for a very specific climate problem. Tesoro has been planning to expand their refinery in Wilmington, CA to start refining tar sands oil shipped in from Canada. Well, the citizens of Wilmington and surrounding cities have had enough.