
Issa No Longer Into ‘Sperm-Shaped’ Electric Car He Pushed For?

This article originally appeared on Think Progress. By Ryan Koronowski In a contentious hearing yesterday, the House GOP members of the House Oversight Committee aggressively questioned Fisker Automotive executives and an Energy Department staffer about a loan Fisker received from the Energy Department. The attacks were reminiscent of those made in hearings on Solyndra and … [continued]

Yikes! Darrell Issa Doesn’t Know Difference between Tax Credits & Loan Guarantees

What’s the only thing worse than turning a Congressional investigation into a months-long political circus? The leaders of that investigation not having a firm grasp of the policies they’re supposed to be examining.

California Republican Darrell Issa chairs the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, one of the top bodies responsible for looking into the loan guarantee to the now-bankrupt solar manufacturer Solyndra. So you’d think that Mr. Issa would, after almost four months of investigation, be able to distinguish the extraordinary differences between a tax credit and a loan guarantee.

“How Obama’s Green Energy Agenda Is Killing Jobs”

On September 22, The House Oversight & Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) chaired yet another Republican hearing against the president’s climate change policy in the new GOP-held House. In the hearing, titled “How Obama’s Green Energy Agenda Is Killing Jobs” Issa claimed that President Obama is destroying jobs by conducting a “systematic war” against fossil energy by aggressively pushing clean energy.

To stop climate change, obviously it is necessary to switch to a clean energy economy, and so government policy that aggressively pushes a clean energy economy is the appropriate response.