Politics Aside, Idaho Is A Renewable Energy Powerhouse
Idaho is attracting more investor dollars for renewable energy and energy storage projects, despite public officials who rail against ESG investing.
Idaho is attracting more investor dollars for renewable energy and energy storage projects, despite public officials who rail against ESG investing.
3 of the most solar-poor states in the US are about to get slammed with a gigawatt-scale solar energy makeover.
The Danish startup Cellugy has developoed a drop-in, bio-based replacement for petrochemicals., produced with an assist from super-bacteria.
A new study published by British multinational asset management company Schroders which surveyed over 22,000 investors has claimed that only a quarter of investors are concerned that sustainable investing would risk strong returns, highlighting the growing belief that strong investment can also yield a social impact.
CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) finds it encouraging that after years of denial, business uses carbon prices to plan ahead these days. The response of business and industry leaders to the problem of climate change is undergoing a major transformation, says the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions: “Just over … [continued]
Even without a strong, legally binding agreement in Copenhagen, investors have faith in clean tech and say that a couple of other things are more important than the international agreement for 2010 clean tech investment.