indoor air pollution

From Rajasthan To Mexico: Why Gender Matters At The Heart Of The Energy Transition

Since women are the primary users of energy, they are disproportionately vulnerable to climate change impacts. Energy policies failing to reach women are thus exacerbating potential climate risks for them. In addition, gender inequalities limit women’s access to finance streams, information or training for using sustainable energy sources. Taking a gender lens approach is thus crucial for minimizing such bias and ensuring equal access to energy for both women and men.

Sleep Cleaner On Natural Latex Mattresses

We usually write about sustainability innovations on a larger scale: solar, wind, and EVs. But there are lots of smaller ways to live a greener and healthier life at home, and natural bedding is a huge part of that. Learn why natural latex mattresses offer a safer sleep so that you can sleep well and help us fight for our renewable future!

Gross But True: Your Dead Skin Can Reduce Indoor Air Pollution

Errr…I guess the real question is, why would anybody think of researching the effect of dead skin on indoor air pollution in the first place? Well the answer to that will just have to wait. In the meantime, thanks to the intrepid media team of Bernstein and Woods (what are the odds?) over at the American Chemical Society, we have the story of new research into the effect of dead skin on indoor air pollution.