HVDC transmission

ChatGPT generated panoramic line drawing of nitrogen cooled superconducting transmission cables in a mesh over Europe

Superconducting Transmission Of Electricity Is Here And It’s Supercooled

A couple of months ago, I was in Brussels speaking at the launch of the second edition of Supergrid Super Solution: A Handbook for Energy Independence and a Europe Free From Fossil Fuels. I’d participated in tuning the second edition, written by European renewables giant Eddie O’Connor with Kevin O’Sullivan, … [continued]

Midjourney-generated image of a bird's eye view of transmission grid.

On the Road to Increased Transmission: High-Voltage Direct Current

How High-Voltage Direct Current Lines Could Better Connect Solar and Wind to the Current Grid Comparing the Routes: HVAC Versus HVDC It is a question on the minds of grid planners throughout the United States: How can we tap into the nation’s best renewable resources at the lowest cost? That … [continued]

Slide from Michael Barnard's presentation on transmission under the auspices of the ISGF

HVDC, Reconductoring, & Smart Balls Supercharge Grids

Under the auspices of the India Smart Grid Forum, the think tank founded as an umbrella organization over India’s 28 state utilities to provide thought leadership, share leading practices, and bring international insights to India, I’m delivering bi-weekly webinars framed by the Short List of Climate Actions That Will Work. With the … [continued]

The Sun Shines in South America: Colombia & Brazil Give Large Boost to Solar Deployment

South America has a lot of sun and a lot of space, and solar energy has grown from a small player to the main driver of generation growth in several countries in the region (making their already clean grids even cleaner). Today we look at the grids of Chile, Brazil, and Colombia, all of which have already made solar a cornerstone of their generation or are working to do so in the near future.

Wind turbines in China. Credit: Michael Barnard

The Yin And Yang Of China’s Renewable Energy Policies — More Solar, More Wind, And…

In 2021, China’s president, Xi Jinping, called for a dramatic increase in the country’s renewable energy resources. When Xi speaks, things happen — quickly. China has vast deserts in the northwest part of the country that are lightly populated and blessed with abundant sunshine. Eastern parts of the country are … [continued]

Midjourney generated image of a conveyor belt of crops entering a distillery

Oz Questions On Biofuels & Transmission: Smart Energy Council Presentation Q&A

Recently I had the opportunity to talk with a few hundred mostly Australian participants in a Smart Energy Council webinar. It was organized to exploit my unusual timezone alignment with Oz as I spend a few weeks in New Zealand as a digital nomad. Over 600 signed up, many from … [continued]

4-Year Growth In World & US Advanced Energy Use

Both worldwide and here in the United States, advanced energy use is growing, says Advanced Energy Economy’s 2015 Market Report. Prepared by Navigant Research for the national association of businesses involved in best available advanced energy technologies, the publication has eyed the advanced energy industry and its components annually for four … [continued]