Gulf Coast

Which U.S. Counties Are Struck By Hurricanes Most Frequently?

It’s creeping towards that time of year for Eastern and Gulf states in the U.S. to prepare for hurricane season. Having lived through many Florida hurricanes, experiencing the water (everywhere) and the wind clearing out stagnant energy, the atmosphere is refreshing — if houses remain and people are fine. Electricity can be knocked out for hours or days, which can be stressful but can also be relaxing. It depends on your situation, your needs, and your point of view.

Keystone XL Bill Passes Senate

The bitterly controversial Keystone XL pipeline bill has just come one step closer to becoming law. The Republican-led US Senate passed an $8 billion bill an hour ago (Thursday afternoon, January 29) to approve construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline. As you may know, CleanTechnica has been covering this story … [continued]