Greenlight Capital

Tesla Market Cap = $382 Billion, Tesla [TSLA] Short Sellers Still Think TSLA Is A…

Short sellers have been preying on Tesla stock for years. Have they finally reached their come-uppance? “Most big Tesla shorts aren’t losing sleep or missing meals because of their positions,” Ihor Dusaniwsky, managing director of predictive analytics at S3 Partners, told Institutional Investor. “They still think this will eventually go their way.”

What Are Tesla’s Short Sellers Thinking Now?

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, you have to give the short sellers credit for their dedication. Hedge fund manager Mark Spiegel even follows the market while taking a bath — two computer screens perched near the tub keep him apprised of the latest ill winds. Much of his time is spent sitting at his dining room table, sending a steady stream of tweets explaining why Tesla will eventually crash and burn, making Spiegel an even wealthier man.

Billionaire Tesla Short Seller’s Fund Drops 18% — Long Burned Shorting TSLA, Blames Everyone Else

We’ve written about this guy a couple of times before. He’s a billionaire who proudly proclaimed back on August 1 of last year that he was continuing to short Tesla [TSLA], claiming back then that the company was “only capitalized for the next three quarters.” He’s eating a lot of crow these days, but still claims he’s the one who’s right.