Global EVRT

Former Tesla VP Spins Up New Energy Company To Accelerate Solar Plus Storage

My kids play with LEGOs and work together to assemble puzzles, which is pretty normal stuff, but as far back as he can remember, clean energy enthusiast Ben Hill grew up playing with solar cells. His father was one of the founding fathers of today’s photovoltaic industry, Robert Hill, so that shouldn’t be surprising, but those early years set the trajectory for the rest of his life.

Is Oman Ready To Make The Transition To Smart, Electric, Low-Carbon Mobility?

The Sultanate of Oman faces many regulatory challenges and see similar emerging macro trends as the rest of the globe, in addition to additional geographic hurdles, consumer preferences, current availability and variety of electric vehicles and uncertainty regarding the economics, TCO, leasing options, and business case.

But the opportunities presented by an accelerated shift to electric mobility are also great.