germany solar energy

Germany’s Solar Development Continues

Originally published in the ECOreport (with edits). Critics have been pecking away at Germany’s solar program for years. George Monbiot, a columists for the Guardian, wrote, “The real net cost of the solar PV installed in Germany between 2000 and 2008 was €35bn, at the end of which solar PV was … [continued]

Welcome To The Energiewende — The Movie

The accelerated phase-out of nuclear power following the nuclear disaster in Japan has put German energy policy on the map for many people. Since then, the word “Energiewende” has even become a new loanword in the English language. Despite the increase in international attention, many reports about the Energiewende miss … [continued]

China Atop Renewable Energy Ranks As Shale Gas Changes The Game

Stop me if you’ve heard this before – renewable energy technologies face global challenges from fossil fuels and a lack of public subsidies, but new financing mechanisms and government mandates may be key to their continued growth.

What’s different now, according to Ernst & Young’s (E&Y) latest “Renewable energy country attractiveness indices,” is how shale gas development and crashing public financing are changing the way renewable energy is funded across the globe…