
US Wind Energy Generation Tops 20 Gigawatts

The US generation of wind powered electricity has finally pushed past the 20,000-megawatt mark, reaching a milestone that took only 2 years. The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) made the announcement on Wednesday, pointing to the 20,152 MW of electricity generating capacity currently up and running in the US. “However, … [continued]

Japan to Send their Ships Solar

  With the entire planet in a crazy attempt to make everything from transport to washing green, it comes as no real surprise to see another industry take up the challenge. And, as with a lot of things technological, Japan is leading the way. Japan’s biggest shipping company – Nippon … [continued]

A Bloody Big Solar Tower

When you think of the future of solar power, you normally envision flat panels out in some massive field, blinding the sheep for miles around, or even the small panel up on your roof. What you’re unlikely to imagine is a bloody great big tower in the middle of nowhere. … [continued]