Some Car Companies Want To Throw America Under The Bus — Again!
Some major car companies are still trying to limit US exhaust emissions rules. Why buy cars from them?
Some major car companies are still trying to limit US exhaust emissions rules. Why buy cars from them?
Fuel economy standards are a silly way to address the harm that burning fossil fuels causes. Instead, let’s take away the free taxpayer supported advantage oil companies have enjoyed for the past 100 years.
Watch out, electric car owners. States are looking to increase annual registration fees on electric cars to offset the fact that they pay no gasoline taxes. But not all those proposals are fair to EV owners.
Everyone’s talking about the Stanford-Times climate change poll that came out last Thursday. Simply, it showed that Americans are way ahead of their lawmakers in terms of recognizing that human activities help cause climate change and that humans can do something about it. Resoundingly ahead. The new climate change poll shows … [continued]
The sign above has gotten extremely popular on the internet. It is definitely funny. But it misses some key points, as most news about gas does these days. I reported on Cleantechnica last July that while the raw price of gas as we see or write it has gone up … [continued]
Transportation is one of the biggest parts of our lives, whether we think about it or not. How will 2010 help shape the future of transportation in the US? How should it do so? And, more specifically, what is going on in government on this matter? With an expired (in … [continued]