
Bringing Nature Into Companies & Corporate Campuses With Farmscape

So many of us suffer from nature deficit: we spend lots of time indoors, staring at screens both large and small. This is tiring to our brains and our eyeballs, and keeps us from enjoying a connection with trees, plants, and open space.

With the understanding that taking a break in nature is good for our brains and our productivity, an innovative California-based company called Farmscape is working to bring greenery and farming into corporate and urban landscapes.

Plants Tweet When Ready for a Drink

  Forgetfulness can no longer be an excuse for Twitter-using brown-thumb gardeners with the Botanicalls DIY kit. When your plants need refreshment, the DIY kit tweets that the soil is dry enough to break out the watering can. Your efforts don’t go unnoticed either — the grateful plant even posts a … [continued]

EasyBloom Sensor Makes Sure Plants Thrive

Let’s face it: some of us just don’t have a green thumb. But the Plantsense EasyBloom Plant Sensor, released yesterday, makes gardening an equal-opportunity activity. The device is based on NASA technology used during the Mars Phoenix Mission, and can collect data on sunlight, soil moisture, and temperature. The information … [continued]